Someone arbitrarily decided that June is Backup Awareness month. Let’s celebrate with this pie chart from Backblaze:
It’s hard to believe that almost half of computer owners never back up or only back up once a year. These users are headed for a data disaster because storage media always fail. On average, here’s the lifespan of common storage media:
- 5-10 years: flash drives
- 3-5 years: hard drives
- 2-5 years: CDs and DVDs
I’m in the 8% that backup my files daily, and just last year I added secondary remote backups to my routine. I simply can’t afford to lose my clients’ valuable files and data.
As a small business, it’s critical you develop a backup routine. Losing even a month’s worth of files can significantly harm your productivity and success. Consider losing the last month’s billing cycle, the new spreadsheets you spent hours on, the countless emails exchanged and all the minute changes made to your documents.
Backup utilities automate the process of backing up. Once you configure the system, you’ll hardly have to think about it again– until you need the backup!