Amazon Ads: Be Ruthless Chopping Unprofitable Keywords

Amazon Ads: Be Ruthless Chopping Unprofitable Keywords

Amazon Sponsored Product Ads Live and Die by Keyword Choices

Successfully advertising your book or other product on Amazon requires an excellent understanding of which keywords are profitable– and the will to eliminate keywords that result in clicks but no sales.

I have found that some authors cling to these non-performing keywords in the hope that someday a reader will buy their book after searching for them.

But don’t do that. After testing a keyword, feel free to give up on it if you’re not seeing sales.

Amazon Ads- ruthlessly turn off keywords on sponsored products

How Long Should I Test an Amazon Keyword Before Eliminating It?

A good rule of thumb is to let a keyword run for a month before deciding to keep it or not. Sales reporting from Amazon can trail searches by days, so you need to give the reporting time to catch up to your clicks.

Also, readers aren’t robots. You may see clusters of searches for certain keywords over time. For instance, a keyword may underperform for a week before having two good weeks.

Rules Are Made to Be Broken

Sometimes, it’s clear after a week or two that a keyword is costing a lot in clicks but resulting in no sales. Don’t wait a month to eliminate that keyword. Save your ad budget for keywords that will help sell your sponsored product.

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