An Amazing Marketing Idea Isn’t Enough When You Can’t Deliver

Plan Your Marketing Campaigns from Start to Logistics

Toy Brand LEGO Disappoints Customers with Easter Campaign

With stay-at-home guidelines sweeping the United States, LEGO’s “Build a Better Easter Basket” marketing campaign seems to have been more popular than the brand could have ever imagined. Parents viewed LEGO as a perfect solution for kids who are bored at home, desperate for entertainment and disappointed at missing church services and family gatherings.

Here’s how LEGO promoted the campaign:

Plan Your Marketing Campaigns from Start to Logistics

As Easter drew near, however, it became clear that the challenges of inventory and shipping logistics in the time of COVID-19 was delaying deliveries and creating significant stress among parents. Frustrated by lack of response from LEGO customer service, they took to public channels:

As a parent who ordered from myself, I know the futility of trying to seek an answer from customer service via email or phone. The company was simply overwhelmed. (My backup plan was to cut out catalog pictures of the LEGO sets I ordered and place those in the Easter basket. Learning delayed gratification is a “teachable moment,” right?)

Customers mostly seem to understand that shipping for non-essential items is delayed right now, but they are disappointed that LEGO made a promise it couldn’t keep.

Plan Your Marketing Campaigns from Start to Logistics

In your small business, marketing mistakes can happen the same way if you launch poorly-planned campaigns. Make sure your company can deliver on promises made in your advertising, or you will disappoint and lose customers.

One way to plan your campaigns from start to logistics is to use my Marketing Campaign Playbook, which you can access here:

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