Place Important SEO Keywords into Your Article Headings
Headings are valuable tools in your SEO toolbox. Each page should include the target SEO keyword in one Heading 1 and in at least one Heading 2. You can see an example in this very blog post. My target SEO keyword is SEO Tip, and it’s in the title, along with being added to the heading below.
Another SEO Tip: Add a Heading 2 Every Couple Paragraphs
Customers prefer text to be broken up by headings. It gives them a sense of progress and makes a longer article seem faster to read. Google also likes headings, for a couple reasons:
- Because a heading describes the topic of the article or section, Google looks for keywords in headings.
- Google knows that users are more satisfied with written content that has frequent headings, so it serves up that content more frequently.
How to Make Headings Work
Depending on their writing style, I use two approaches with my clients to include the right number of headings.
- Write an outline of an article, with the headings as the skeleton of the piece. Then, flesh out the headings with a paragraph or two underneath.
- Write the entire article as one narrative, then look for opportunities to add headings in as topics shift. With this approach, make sure the paragraphs still flow after adding the headings.
Want some SEO help with your blog or website? Reach out to me.