When creating next year’s marketing plan, keep these small business marketing trends for 2021 in mind. Most businesses will be glad to put 2020 behind them, so enjoy looking ahead!
Small Business Marketing Trend 1: Track ROI
Budgets for 2021 are tight, and small businesses need to engage in marketing activities that can be proven to work or not work. Prioritize efforts that have clear conversion statistics and track those metrics. Minimize effort on tactics that have fuzzy goals like “awareness-building.”
Small Business Marketing Trend 2: Bring In-Store Experience Home to Customers
Coronavirus restrictions aren’t over, and probably won’t be near-term. Many small businesses, like restaurants and boutiques, are creating ways to bring their in-store experiences home to customers.
Boca Restaurant Group, with three popular restaurants in downtown Cincinnati that have suffered this year, developed a new delivery concept. Domo, which means ‘at home,’ delivers heat-and-serve meals from the restaurant’s well-known chef. Some recipes include video instructions, which enhance the experience. These meals regularly sell out on all the days they are offered.
Small Business Marketing Trend 3: Allocate Marketing Budget to Recruitment
Finding talent continues to be a challenge for small business, and many are getting creative in marketing to prospective employees. More than ever before, my clients are asking me to develop recruitment campaigns via email, Facebook and web marketing efforts. I’ve also noticed several local businesses recruiting with text campaigns, i.e., “Text Apply to 12345”
If your small business needs help navigating the trends of 2021 and achieving success, contact us.