Business Plan

Where Does Your Website Traffic Come From? (Hint: It's Not Instagram)

Where Does Your Website Traffic Come From? (Hint: It’s Not Instagram)

Google Drives 8 Times More Traffic than All Social Media Combined In a study of 3.25 billion website visits, Kyle Byers of GrowthBadger uncovered some striking results. Overall, Google search drives 60.68% of website traffic. When you break down the…

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Coaching Gives Small Business Owners a Head Start in Marketing

Coaching Gives Small Business Owners a Head Start in Marketing

Owners of start-ups and businesses in their infancy often don’t have the resources to hire a marketing firm or marketing employee. In the beginning, they have to go-it-alone, do tons of research and make costly mistakes. Marketing isn’t easy, but…

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Once Upon a Child's New Marketing Strategy Blends Online and In-Store Experiences

Once Upon a Child’s New Marketing Strategy Blends Online and In-Store Experiences

Small Business Marketing Case Study My favorite resale shop for kids clothes, toys and gear took a risk last year when it shifted focus from its popular Facebook brand page in favor of creating individual pages for each local store.…

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A Marketing Calendar Makes Your Life Easier

A Marketing Calendar Makes Your Life Easier

Marketing efforts are most successful when you have time to think and plan strategically before implementing them. Last-minute marketing results in inefficiencies, missed deadlines and ineffective messaging. With my clients, we create a marketing calendar to use throughout the year.…

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Is an Editorial Calendar Part of Your Small Business Marketing Plan?

An editorial calendar helps answer the question, “What am I supposed to do next?” It’s a tactical element of your small business marketing plan that lays out the month, quarter or year. With only a few hours of work, you’ll…

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