Marketing messages

Ohio Bakery Cashes in on Election with Campaign of Its Own

Ohio Bakery Cashes in on Election with Campaign of Its Own

Cincinnati-based Busken Bakery was founded during the Great Depression, not an auspicious time to start a new business. In another daring move, each Presidential election, the bakery launches an all-out election season marketing campaign centering around cookies bearing the likeness…

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FOMO Follow-Up: It Was an Email Marketing Ploy

FOMO Follow-Up: It Was an Email Marketing Ploy

Before Christmas, a marketing email from Scentmatchers caught my eye. I posted about it in “Going Out of Business Sale: Email Marketing Edition.” In an attempt to inspire FOMO (fear of missing out) in customers, the email includes lines like, “Keep…

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Going Out of Business Sale: Email Marketing Edition

Going Out of Business Sale: Email Marketing Edition

Will Fear of Missing Out Spur Sales for Fragrance Company? I received a curious marketing email from Scent Matchers, a company that re-creates discontinued fragrances. Last year, I purchased a replication of my dad’s favorite aftershave from years past. Here…

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Think Like a Minimalist to Get Your Marketing Message Across

I’m helping a client design a consumer rewards program, with the goal of increasing our competitive advantage and attracting new customers. Because the product mix has excellent margins, we can offer a program that provides high value to the customer. To…

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